by Wolf


by Wolf


Safe Work Australia has published an information sheet offers practical guidance for workers who are engaged in computer-based work from home. The key points covered include:

  1. Benefits and Risks of Working from Home: The sheet acknowledges the benefits of working from home for both workers and businesses. However, it emphasizes the importance of managing work health and safety (WHS) risks in this environment.
  2. PCBU’s WHS Duties: The responsibilities of persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) under WHS laws are highlighted. PCBUs have a duty of care to ensure workers’ health and safety, including when they work from home.
  3. Workers’ WHS Duties: Workers also have WHS duties when working from home. These include taking reasonable care for their own safety, not adversely affecting others’ safety, complying with WHS instructions, and cooperating with provided policies.
  4. Compliance as a Worker: Workers are expected to provide accurate information about their home working environment, follow reasonable procedures and instructions, cooperate with conditions of working from home, maintain a safe work area, and report unsafe conditions or changes.
  5. Suitability of Working from Home: The sheet notes that working from home may not be suitable for all workers or tasks, especially those requiring specialized equipment or face-to-face interaction. If it’s not safe, the PCBU must provide an alternative safe location for work.
  6. Managing WHS Risks: The importance of eliminating or minimizing WHS risks for physical and psychological health is emphasized. PCBUs must consult with workers about risks and consider their input, including potentially engaging WHS professionals for risk assessment.
  7. Collaboration for Risk Management: PCBUs and workers must collaborate closely to manage risks when working from home. Control measures may include setting up safe workstations, providing suitable tools and equipment, minimizing fatigue, managing online behaviors, and ensuring communication and support.
  8. Ongoing Risk Management: Workers are encouraged to continuously monitor control measures and report any issues or new hazards. If a control measure is not working effectively or a new hazard is identified, workers should inform the PCBU for further action.

In summary, the information sheet provides workers with practical guidance on their responsibilities for ensuring their health and safety while working from home. It highlights the importance of cooperation, consultation, and ongoing communication between workers and PCBUs to create a safe work environment.

If you have any concerns about your working from home arrangements then please discuss this with your supervisor. It is important to note that you and your employer have a joint responsibility that working from home is safe and meets the needs of both parties.


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