by Wolf


by Wolf


The District Court has convicted and fined A1 Arbor Tree Services Pty Ltd $2.025 million following the death of a worker. This decision marks the single largest court imposed fine for a business in NSW.

The incident took place on 7 September 2019, when A1 was contracted to remove trees from the grounds of a school in Lindfield. Two workers were assigned the task of removing trees and feeding them through a woodchipper when one of the workers was drawn into the woodchipper sustaining fatal injuries.

Despite needing inexpensive repairs, A1 had allowed the woodchipper to be used without an operational feed control bar for approximately 12 months prior to the incident. The Court found that the risk to safety was obvious and foreseeable as the woodchipper had not been designed to be hand-fed branches and logs.

Additionally, the workers had not received adequate information, training or instruction on the safe operation of the woodchipper.

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