
WHS Compliance Made Easy!

We help you with your Work Health and Safety (WHS) compliance, which in turn keeps everyone at your workplace safe!

From testing your appliances, fire gear and first aid checks to complete WHS audits and plans to provide an ongoing service that covers all aspects of your WHS compliance obligations including online WHS inductions and training for your staff.

Please note that all onsite services are available in the Hunter Valley and Newcastle. For all other locations in NSW please send us a quote request here.

Highly experienced technicians

Ready & Waiting To Assist

  • Test and Tag of electrical appliances
  • Check of fire extinguishers and fire blankets
  • Fully maintained 1st Aid kits that are refilled at 6 or 12 months intervals
  • WHS compliance audits are coming soon

  • Compliance Plans

  • WHS documents / templates

  • WHS consulting